Tuesday, May 6, 2008

ya, i know

Sorry. I've been MIA. My life is insane. Especially April! Here's a little of what we have been up too....


Lara said...

Thanks so much for updating! I was totally having Marissa withdrawals!!

Vallente said...

I was wondering where you disappeared to. I'll just leave one big monster comment since I'm too lazy to comment on every new post! :) Happy birthday to you and Kobe and Cashel! (Really late but you know) Congrats to Kobe on the baptism! So exciting! Azakiah is so excited for his! You are so crazy. I just love seeing any pics of you and Summer cause they really capture your essence! :) hahahaha! You're great Marissa! Love all the pics and updates! Love ya!

The Nannie Family said...

Glad you are back. I was beginnig to wonder what happened to you.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Great Posts and good job catching us up. Happy Birthday to all of you! I wish we could've been there!! Looks like you had so much fun at Captain Jack's, Chuck e Cheese's and of course the baptism looked very special!

Your blog looks great--love the cherries and the picture of you and the kids at the top!!

Welcome back!
Aunt Susan

Cierra said...

amazing picture.

Vallente said...

Hold on a second...let me get my tongue depressor...okay...say aaaaaahhhhhhh...everything looks fine from here, no signs of tonsilitis or anything just perhaps a slight case of stickingtongueoutitis that occurs while taking pictures. I would suggest taking less pictures to ease the symptoms.

Marissa said...

thanks...I posted this pic because i have been having some throat probs and was hoping an expert would give me some recommendations....i dont know if i can stop taking these pics though....its what defines me...:)

Kim said...

Shoot, this cherry page is adorable. I need a summer-y page. Love our boob shot!