So i turned 32 a couple weeks ago. 32. I looked in the mirror and thought- with everything I have been through in my life...all my life experiences I should be at least 62! So then I thought- dang I look good for 62!
thanks to my bruceatron for planning my little party! We went to Captain Jacks for some crab legs! De-lish-ous. party in my mouth. We laughed for hours and embarrassed approximately 7 waiters. something about a peppermill i think....
Some of my presents! My cute darling apron (i think it has magical powers that teach you how to better cause I feel I would shame it cooking top-ramen in it) Also, I got a ukulele. Thats right folks, a ukulele. It's one of those check-off-my-list-before-i-die thing. It's awesome. And I will be awesome at playing it. Just wait.
My mom loves this look...she is proud she gave birth to me.
brucie and kimmie....Ceej and missed out.
My beautiful Valerie!
thanks to my girls for starting my year off right! I decided this shall be my best year ever. So far so good. the rest is yet to be determined....:)
thanks to my girls for starting my year off right! I decided this shall be my best year ever. So far so good. the rest is yet to be determined....:)
This post makes me miss you so much! You are a breath of fresh air. Love it! I am so glad you had a fun day!
P.S. - You are so hot!
Happy Birthday! Miss you!
Glad you had a great time.
Glad you had so much fun. Wish i was therre for the GIRLS NIGHT OUT! Miss and love you!!!
62?? Dang, you are the hottest grandma I have ever laid eyes on!
Now that you have a ukulele I expect you to jam on it Hawaiian-style and play me some sweet tunes next time I see you. I am not even joking. I'm expecting nothing but the best.
And yeah, I missed out, BIG time. I always do. But I'm glad you got to eat some good food!
love you mucho Missa.
Wow. 32. Happy Birthday is in order . . . I don't feel so bad turning 34 knowing you are 32. Somehow that makes me feel younger? weird. BISOUS.
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