Sunday, March 2, 2008

check another one off the list...

Here's another one of my "I'm a dork" moments, that I probably shouldn't admit...but I've always wanted to ride a segway!!! I think they are awesome! We were at Disneyland the other day and it was kinda crowded so we went into the "innovations" building and they had one you could ride!!! So cool! I caught on pretty fast and then the guy let me ride down this path by myself! (Avy took these pics with her camera phone so thats why they are fuzzy) It was a short little ride but I was still excited! I know, I'm a dork.

You are all jealous...admit it.


Schumanns said...

So jealous!

The Nannie Family said...

That'a cool. We got to try them when we went to the Atomic Museum in Oak Ridge, TN. They are kind of fun.
I need to make a list.

Lara said...

So, was it everything you thought it would be?

Kim said...

Is that dorky? (certainly not more than using the word dorky!) I bet most people would like a ride. Love ya.

. said...

I am SO jealous...although I didn't kow what it was till I looked at the pictures. Did you love it? Pretty cool!

Marissa said...

i wished I could have riden it longer, but you know Dland...always rushing those people through...

If you don't know what it is you can go to Avy's blog and watch the Weird Al video "White and Nerdy"

Cierra said...

you are officially white and nerdy. congrats.

Anonymous said...

I will admit you are a dork!! :)

Cierra said...

you made your heading at the top!! you are amazing and a genius!! i love it me lassie...

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those things look like so much fun! Too bad cool things have to sometimes be so "dorky." Who makes those decisions anyway???


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those things look like so much fun! Too bad cool things have to sometimes be so "dorky." Who makes those decisions anyway???
