Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Cierra!!!

My little girl is getting so big! :) I drew this when she was 10...since I was such a good big sister I would always make my sisters dress hot and have them pose for pictures...it's a miracle they didn't turn out to be in playboy...anyways shes just as sexy now and I want to wish her a Happy Birthday!! Love you sis! Mwah!


. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cierra! What a great picture. Will you draw one of me? Love new the green.

Lara said...

Marissa that is amazing! OK, I need some artwork for my house. With all your spare time, can you paint me up something nice and pretty? ;)

You are talented in so many ways!!!

Cierra said...

awwwwww Missa!! You are the BESTEST ever!!! I feel so special that you dedicated a blog post just to me...seriously, I love it! You are so sweet to me and always have been since I was a wee baby. I am obviously blessed to have you as a big sis to take sexy child-porn pictures of me. :)

You made my day 100 times better! (along with your awesome b-day song in that hot voice)

Thanks for "chinning" it up with me today. You are really the "aces," definitely "not wet."

xoxo CJ

The Nannie Family said...

Happy birthday, Cierra.

Great pic, Marissa. You do have them pose wild.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Happy Birthday CJ! We love you!

Aunt Susan, Uncle Mike, Eric, and Hannah

Vallente said...

Wow Marissa! That's awesome! Have you done any of your kids?

Melissa said...

Yeah really, I feel like you're holding back Marissa....there must be more art to post. Hope to see more. (How long did Cierra have to hold that pose?)