Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I am my mothers daughter...

so everyone always tells me how much I look like my mom, I have even been mistaken for her....more than once! So while in Hawaii I decided to see exactly how much we look alike by using Cierra's handy little trick camera. this is a side-by-side of us...I know, freaky. If you have to ask...I'm on the left!


Lara said...

That is the wierdest thing I have ever seen! What a cool camera. What kind of camera can do that? Because you look so much alike it actually looks like one person. So rad!

Cierra said...

Narissa takes Brangelina anyday.

Kim said...

honestly, i never realized. at least you know people will be hitting on you forever.

Kim said...
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Moore fun in Colorado! said...

When you compare feature to feature you two are amazingly similar!! You are both too beautiful for words.

Aunt Susan

Ps You kids are always saying that your mom and I look alike. I would like to do that someday with our faces. I'm sure we don't come close to you two though.

Schumanns said...

That is so cool!! What good looking ladies!

The Nannie Family said...

That is pretty cool. You too really blend well.
What kind of camera does that or do you do it on the computer?

Vallente said...

Wow. That's amazing.

Marissa said...

I don't know what kind of Camera it is...Ceej? It's really cool though! It's the one we used to do those crazy ones on Cierra's site...except we took it vertical instead of horizontal!
After we took it I couldn't believe it! Susan you would probably have the same results...except I think part of the reason we all think you look alike is cause you act alike too!!!

Nancy said...

wow! you are beautiful!