Thursday, November 1, 2007


It doesn't get much hotter than this folks


Schumanns said...


Cierra said...

what is up with your latest costumes being vomit-worthy? you are demented. but somehow incredibly talented at the same time...

Vallente said...

I know some guys who could "take care of" whoever did that to you! ;) I got your back. :)

Marissa said...

thanks Karen...I knew I could count o n you...It was that little Cashel punk, she wanted hot-pink lipstick for her costume and I only had light-pink. That girl has a temper and crazy knife-wielding skills.

ceej...since all costumes are now hoochie I needed to find an alternative. We all can't pull off the skanky _____(fill in any job or animal here)like you can!

The Nannie Family said...

Marissa it doesn't get much hotter.

Cierra said...

yeah i feel you. i mean, nothing can really beat that year i was a skanky maggot.

Marissa said...

maggot is not an animal...but you were a cute maggot

Vallente said...

I thought most siblings grew out of their rivalries...Summer really opened a can of whoop___ on you.

Marissa said...

Summer is a wuss....I would defeat her in any combat. cierra on the other hand, now that lady has mad crazy ninja skills. don't mess.

Vallente said...

I just thought of another family reunion activity to go along with human tetris. Ultimate Fighting...with the cage and evrything. We could have a tag team match. Bruissa against Cierredo. Give me some popcorn and a front row seat.

Cierra said...

haha ohhhh gosh. either karen's or clifford's comment was the bomb! i love the new word...Cierredo! so good! and thats right...we would win! i def have mad ninja skills. they are actually called the "praying mantis." you have to see it to believe it.

Marissa said...

umm would not win. you know I am extraordinarily strong...and bruce...well shes doing yoga now, she could do crazy poses...that should help somehow! But, yes the "praying mantis" would slow me down because I pee my pants everytime you do it...

Vallente said...

Marissa I'll spot you some Depends so you can beat down Cierra without interruption.