Monday, November 26, 2007

Attack of the Lorakeets!!

I know everyone has pics with Lorakeets but i just love them. They are so pretty and even though they are a little scary how they just attack sometimes I can't resist going in their lair...
Cute little love birds! awww...

Cashel is my brave one! She wanted them all over!

Baca was our wrangler...he kept catching them and putting them on the kids! He is a bird whisperer

"Why are you making me take this picture?...I can't take my eyes off these things for more than a second mom...."

I'm a wuss and have to use my sleeve. I fully admit it. But look at him. Totally trying to peck off my arm.

This bird totally flew down and attacked Papa!!! He was like "what the...!" and started swating at it with his hat! So hilarious!

Cashel with two!!! She rocks, not even scared. well, this picture looks like shes freaked out a little....ok, i forced her to put them on her...kidding :p


Lara said...

What awesome birds! I love the one of them making out. Did you show them how?

The Nannie Family said...

It does look a little scary in there. I bet that freaked my dad out a little. At least he recovered. I'll have to remember a sweatshirt when I go.

Vallente said...

Yeah...Marissa...the one that you were holding looked like a total maneater...I'm glad you lived to tell about it.

Marissa said...

Lara...i totally taught them how to make out...I am the pro as you well know

I barely got out of that joint alive I'm tellin ya...

Cierra said...

FINALLY! i have been trying to look at these pictures for like a week now and your blog would go all blank after 3 glad i got to experience the picture of papa. so jacked! i would have peed my pants for sure.

p.s. you look so pretty...jealous.