Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Extravaganza!

Happy Valentines Day everybody! My mom has been out of town helping take care of the gorgeous we didnt get to have her scruptulecent v-day dinner :( so i had to try to recreate it....well i gave it my best shot. I invited my dad over here because he's been curled up in the fetal position ever since my mom left! But he got stuck in traffic for 4 hours (yikes) and was about 2 hours late, so he had a nice warmed up plate! I even made chocolate fondue that we have every Valentines Day! So delish! I love my family and I miss my mom....

Kobe, the man of our house, woke his sisters up with a kiss and flowers! He is the sweetest boy in this world!

can you feel the love?

Their real selves...especially Avalon

The beautiful Bruceatron

Valentine's Ladies

Fondue time!!! The pineapples were the best...i gained 7.3 pounds that night


. said...

I am sure it was just as amazing...wish i was there. Happy V Day! LOVE YOU!

Lara said...

Looks amazing and so fun! You guys are such a cute family!

Bob said...

Love fondue! Pineapple is so good...but I found that I love peeps dipped in chocolate...try it...I dare you!

The Nannie Family said...

You guys have the best traditions.
Glad you took on the v-day dinner duties. I'm sure your mom is proud.

The Nannie Family said...

I forgot to mention that Kobe is a great kid. What a great brother. Very thoughtful.

Cierra said...

ummmm why did no one comment on Bruce??

oh yeah, probably because no one is surprised by that face anymore. it has just become the norm.

p.s. that make-out picture of kobe and the girls is fantabulous. and i am so proud of you for carrying on the V-day dinner tradition! i'm jealous i missed out...

Cierra said...

from afar it looked like dad was pulling a classic "mom" but then i enlarged the pic and unfortunately there was no choco-mouth to be found. bummer.