Friday, March 18, 2011

wax on-wax off

Chudan Cashel
 Go-Ji Gabe
Kamaete Kobe

Ta-o-Kaete Tori
Ashi-o-Kaete Avalon
Awkward mom
Dojo Doug
Yep, this is pretty much us....

 So our family has movie night every week 
(well, we's hard sometimes with sports and mutual and the gubes being gone every weekend...) 
But we don't just watch any ole' movie!
We watch ones that have 3 or more...i want to say trilogies but Harry Potter has 7 so.....
Anyways, we have done Harry Potter, Back to the Future & Karate Kid so far...
Last time we went to the tide pools we found this cool log and of course had to do the 
famous "Daniel son" pose. 
Obviously some of us have better balance then the others....
Just FYI....I wouldn't recommended Karate Kid is pretty weak and WAY cheesy!
We just started Indiana Jones...I'm scared to watch #2 this week though!
That one is so satanic!!

Oh, and yes I did look up Karate terms to go with everyones names...
I am that awesome.

1 comment:

Cierra said...

you are that awesome. i was seriously starting to wonder how you guys came up with those names and i was pretty impressed. but i am STILL impressed that you came up with your own was the best karate kid name of all.