Friday, April 8, 2011

Pinewood Derby!!!

So maybe I added to many exclamation points....
I really am not a fan of these events.
They are more about whose dad has the best workshop.
But anywho, my boys love it and therefore i endure it.
Gabes first and Kobes last...both super excited :)

Gabe got his bobcat and Kobe got his Webelo!

Doug was the MC so that was at least entertaining!

Avalon in her usual form....

Proud boys!

They both did well...Gabe beat Kobe everytime though 
 he was pretty pleased since they are both super competitive!
Gabe made a Lego car (he LOVES Legos)
and Kobe made a Geico talking $ car (don't ask, i have no idea why)
But they are cute and had fun and some kid with an engineer for a dad won.